Email & Twitter
You can email me directly at or send me a tweet @hyliaserif.
Find a Bad Kerning Pair?
If you find a kerning pair that's not up to snuff, don't hesitate to let me know! Just make sure to say what specific 2-character combination it is, and I'll do my best to consider tweaking it for a subsequent version.
User Listing Request
If you would like to be listed in the "People Using Hylia Serif" section, send me an email with the subject line "User Listing Request - (Your Name)." Include the following in the email:
- A link to anything you've created using Hylia Serif
- An image or link to an image that I can use as the picture for the listing.
- Must be at least 300 x 300px
- Must be SFW
- (Optional) A link to whatever it is that you want to associate with the listing (youtube channel, project page, twitter account, etc.) Clicking on your listing picture will open this URL in a new tab.
There is no guarantee that your request will be accepted, and you will not be notified if your request is accepted or rejected. Realistically speaking, I can only list so many people in this section on the front page, so of the list gets very large, I'll be featuring only the more prominent users on the front page with a link to a subpage containing the full list.